Building maintenance personnel need all the help they can get when it comes to keeping their facility in good working order.
One of the best resources for any maintenance worker is the facilities management magazine, which is perfect for providing you with the most effective management methods and news on new developments in the industry.
Magazines seem like one of those pre-internet technologies that are a thing of the past, but the truth is that magazine publication is still going strong today — and that includes the facilities management magazine sector.
The content in these magazines can make a major difference in your everyday tasks, but you need to know how to gain access to these magazines first. To make it easier for you, here’s a list of some of the most common and useful facilities management publications that are still going strong today.
Facilities Manager
Published by APPA, Facilities Manager is a fantastic resource for anyone involved in building management. The magazine provides in-depth interviews and informational articles, written by facilities professionals, to provide deep dives into facility operations and related subjects.
Facilities Manager focuses on practical solutions and perspectives on both a macro level and in detail when it comes to solving the many different types of problems that facilities management personnel are likely to encounter. An excellent source for information on best practices, innovative strategies, and cutting-edge research, this facilities management magazine carries truly transformative content that can play a major difference in your career.
Cleaning & Maintenance Management
The oldest facilities management magazine currently still being published, Cleaning & Maintenance Management is a massively popular publication. With a circulation well over 33,000, this magazine is the first stop for industry advertisers, ranking first in ad pages in its field.
While Cleaning & Maintenance Management might be the most venerable publication in the industry, it has fully embraced the digital age. Building maintenance personnel can either subscribe to the old-school print version of the magazine or access it online as well, making it easier than ever to tap into the industry-leading knowledge and news no matter where you are or what you’re doing.
Buildings Magazine
A thoroughly modern approach to facility management, Buildings Magazine is also available either as a print subscription or over the internet. This is more than appropriate, considering the focus of this publication is on facility management for buildings equipped with the most modern of smart technologies.
The facility maintenance profession is most certainly evolving to embrace smart technologies at an increasingly steady pace in the not-so-distant future. This makes Buildings Magazine a must-read for anyone who’s interested in keeping current with industry developments or moving into specializing in smart facility management and maintenance.
The Sky’s the Limit
Whether you’re looking for an in-depth magazine with its finger on the pulse of the profession, one with the biggest and broadest appeal, or one that has a handle on the biggest and best innovations coming down the pike, there’s a facilities management magazine out there for your professional needs.
Even if none of these meet your requirements, there are even more industry magazines out there for your perusal. Get started today to find the one that fits your specific needs.